Our Supporters
Hope After Loss is supported by many people who contribute to our success in many ways. We are so thankful to our volunteers, donors and sponsors. We couldn't do what we do without them.
Our Sponsors
By being a Hope After Loss sponsor, you can help us set up more support groups, train more facilitators, work with more caregivers and help families say good-bye to their babies through financial assistance. Together, we can do more.

Thank you to our Annual Sponsors!
Our Donors
We are so thankful for all of our donors - from the hundreds of small donors who support a team at our annual Footprints on our Hearts Walk & 5K, to the several individuals who make automatic monthly contributions to the families and businesses who make large individual contributions or become sponsors. It all adds up and keeps us going and growing!

Circle of Hope
The members of our Circle of Hope are members of our community who have supported Hope After Loss in the current and/or prior fiscal year with contributions in excess of $1,000.
Because of friends like our members of the Circle of Hope, we are able to provide long-lasting benefits for peer support groups, education and outreach and additional financial assistance for those who cannot afford burial services.
Join our Circle of Hope and help us bring Hope to our community through our peer-to peer-support groups, outreach and education, and burial support.
To learn more about the Circle of Hope & exclusive benefits, use the button below
Thank you to our current Circle of Hope Members!
Acelleron Medical Products
Nicole Bajwa
Bartlett Legal Group, LLC, Frank Bartlett
Claudia Esposito
Lee Lee Smith Klein
Fit and Balanced Mom, Kim McIntosh
Kimberly Nelly
Newman’s Own Foundation
Peggy Rosamilla
Steamatic Total Cleaning and Restoration, Vincent Farricielli
Yale Fertility Center
Yale Maternal Fetal Medicine
Yale New Haven Hospital
Denise Weatherman
Warner Financial Group
Jimmy Shure
With Women Wellness
The Family of Samuel Christenson
TransitAmerica Services, Inc.
Christina and Todd Francis
Stephanie Byrd
Uncle Pete to Noah Bartek
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Connecticut
Center for Advanced Reproductive Services
Dr. Michael Berman
Whitney Donut & Sandwich Shop, Julie Louizos
North Branford Family Chiropractic & Wellness Center, Dr. Mark O'Louglin
Thomas Yiannis Hood Memorial Fund
Dr. Steven Peterec
Nikki Tippins
Gridiron Capitol
Renewal By Andersen
Leslie Chapman
Tiffany Spinatto
PitchPines Landscaping
Guilford Savings Bank
Our Volunteers

One of the greatest gifts you can give is the gift of time.
From our trained and committed Support Group Facilitators to our event volunteers and Board of Directors, we have an incredible volunteer pool.
Do you have a special interest or talent that you can share that will help other members of our loss community? Please consider joining us!
Our Board of Directors
On June 3, 2021, the Hope After Loss Board of Directors met and voted on the Executive Board for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. The new officers assume their responsibilities on July 1, 2021 and are ready to get working to bring Hope to as many people as possible in the next year!

Meet the Board
Kimberly Nelly
Angela Montgomery
Kulwinder Nicole Bajwa
Gerry Baird
Jennifer Cretella
Stephanie Byrd
Jay Ferrando
Claudia Esposito